Anyway, this month our theme was Valentines Day. The children made some lovely things to take home for their mummies and daddies and have learnt lots over the past few weeks. 3 of my mindees are between 21-22 months old and their speech is really starting to come along now, so we have been learning lots of new words.
I made a wall display featuring different ways in which we show people we love them.
We looked at the words and I read them out to the children and we looked at the pictures and how we thought the people were feeling. We also looked at the colours and learnt the colour red.
Our book list this week were Guess How much I Love you, Snuggle Nuzzle, Guess how much I love you All Year Round, The Little Valentine and All Kinds of Feelings.
The children love having story time in the afternoon as much as I love reading to them!
I made a little Valentine's display... I say little as I really don't have the space at my house. We are so desperate to move, but I think it's going to be a few years yet before we can. So this was on top of the toy units where the children could see it.
The first of our valentine's activities were these lovely footprint hearts. The children each had their feet painted red and then stamped them in a heart formation onto some Valentines paper I printed from Spaklebox.
I got the idea from Paula, another lovely Childminder on an Activity Ideas group on Facebook where we all share craft ideas. The Mummies and Daddies loved them.
We then made these lovely doily heart poems with a painted hand print in the centre for each child.
We also did 2 baking activities... some lovely pink shortbread hearts (recipe here) and some strawberry swirl hearts.
The strawberry swirl hearts were made in the same way as my Strawberry Swirls, but rather than rolling the pastry into a sausage from one end, you do it from both ends and then pinch the bottom edge to make a point. Once sliced, they look like hearts. They were very yummy and even more so knowing that they were made with lots of Valentines love!!
NEXT WEEK: Pancake day!
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