About Me

Aimie Clifton.  Ofsted Registered Childminder

Oakley Childcare is a privately owned Childcare establishment run by me, Aimie Clifton, an Ofsted registered Childminder in Oakley Vale, Corby.  At my last inspection I acheived a "good" with 8 out of 11 "outstandings" across the board. I work with my Husband, Paul who is registered with Ofsted as my assistant and together we care for 8 different children throughout the week aged 0-12 years.  We have two children of our own; Oliver aged 11 and Amelia who is 1 year old.
Both Paul and I have been CRB checked and cleared.  We hold up to date certicates in paediatric first aid, we have liability insurance and I am a member of the NCMA and NCA. I hold a CIEH Level 2 award in health and safety in Catering and have attended many training courses and workshops which are ongoing.  I am currently in the process of gaining my Level 3 diploma in Childcare and Education which I hope to complete in the next 9 months. 
I provide resources and plan activities to conform to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to ensure that every child gets the best start in life as prepartion for a bright future. 
We are able to cater for special dietary requirements and our home is accessible to wheelchair users.
We have indoor and outdoor play facilities.
This blog is an extention of my website.  Extensive details about my Childminding Service, Oakley Childcare can be found at http://www.oakleychildcare.com/.

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