Tuesday, 3 January 2012

National Bird Day

Our first day back after the New Year was a very wet and blustery day with winds of up to 70mph!

National Bird Day takes place on 5th January this year and I had planned an outing to the lakes to feed the ducks and seagulls to coincide with the festival. I had to postpone it though because of the weather as it wasn't safe to go out, so we did some indoor craft activites instead.

Today was one of the days I have my variation, so I had 4 children aged 2 and under, a 6 year old and my son, Oliver and his friend who are 11 and 12!  It was very hectic to say the least! We did some bird colouring sheets, looked at owls and the letter O, and we made some birds using half a paper plate, some PVA glue, a googly eye and some coloured feathers. We then finished them off by adding some yellow pipe cleaners for the legs.  I also tried out tomorrow's activity with Amelia; a hand and footprint owl.  I am going to do these with the other children tomorrow when I don't have so many here!  I have got to get some sticky stars to put in the night sky to finsh it off.

We will be doing lots of other bird-based activities such as singing songs (2 little dickie birds, sing a song a sixpence, etc) and reading stories about birds; Silly Suzy Goose, The Ugly Duckling, The Owl who was afraid of the dark, etc. and making bird feeders from pine cones and peanut butter!

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